A Look Back at 2024
As I began writing this post, it was hard to believe everything that has happened and CAN happen in a year. Some of the experiences included feel like they were lifetimes ago. It makes me realize that as the years go on, I lose more of my sense of time.
Anyway, before we look back at 2024, let’s recap the words or themes I set out to focus on this year to see how those came to fruition.
Play manifested in the form of doing Legos together with Tim to the point where much of our dining room table was covered in Lego pieces. Peek in on me during any weeknight and you’d find me singing out loud to myself in the kitchen or while walking the dogs through the neighborhood, much to the entertainment of my neighbors.
It would’ve been the cherry on top to say that the U.S. elected its first female president, but apparently, we’re not there yet as a country. In my own personal life, the word “female” materialized through two women-only trips to Morocco and Belize, fostering more female friendships, and working in a female dominant department.
Each year is not without its challenges. I just didn’t know what kind of challenges I would come up against this year, and in the end, two of the biggest challenges were actually nothing new. They mainly surround (1) my relationship with Tim and how we communicate with one another and (2) finding a focus or a higher calling when it feels like I’ve already accomplished everything I want. If I already have everything I want, where do I direct my attention and energy to serve the greater good? More on this later.
I’ve also expanded the edges of my comfort zone by trying new things like:
Ice skating lessons
Bollywood/Zumba classes
Rappelling down a waterfall for the first time
Getting an up-close look at how I catastrophize when I get sick or something doesn’t go my way like it’s the end of the world or I’ll never recover.
Keeping up with friends and forcing myself to be social because I know it fills my cup when I’m around the right people for long enough.
Favorite Shows
Queer Eye (Netflix)
Contraband (Seasons 3-5 - Discovery+)
Baking Championships (Discovery+)
Grand Sumo Highlights (Youtube)
Unlocked: A Jail Experiment (Netflix)
Loot (Apple TV+)
Pachinko (Season 2 - Apple TV+)
What’s Next? (Netflix)
Nobody Wants This (Netflix)
Shinjuku Field Hospital (Netflix)
Great British Bakeoff (Netflix)
Favorite Books
My Side of the River - Elizabeth Gutierrez
The Many Lives of Mama Love - Lara Love Hardin
Hold My Girl - Charlene Carr
It’s a Privilege Just to Be Here - Emma Sasaki
The Lantern of Lost Memories - Sanaka Hiiragi
All You Have to Do is Call - Kerri Maher
Check out all the books I read this year here.
Favorite Eats & Treats
Duck Duck Goat (Upscale Chinese // Chicago, IL)
Itoko (Modern Japanese // Chicago, IL)
Pastaio (Italian // Royal Oak, MI)
Khana (Pakistani // Detroit, MI)
Guest Fine Pizza (Pizza // Sterling Heights, MI)
La Nina Churreria (Churros // Troy, MI)
Hiroki San (Upscale Japanese // Detroit, MI)
Saffron De Twah (Moroccan // Detroit, MI)
Shanghai Bistro (Dim Sum // Windsor, ON)
Parlor Doughnuts (Layered donuts // Lake Orion, MI)
D’Lacs Patisserie (Cheesecake // Royal Oak, MI)
4 year anniversary with Tim
3 years in our house
2 years at my current job
Jellybean turned 2 years old
Poi turned 1
Poi turned 2 years old
First live workout with Kira Stokes
New pickleball courts at local park
Movement is my favorite medicine and girl, did I do a lot of it this year. I like to move, it makes me feel accomplished, it counteracts sitting at my desk all day long, it’s how I spend any excess energy I have, it’s a natural anti-depressant, and it reinforces that I’m doing something good for my body to prevent aches, pain, and disease later down the line.
As I always do, I kicked off the year with Adriene Mishler’s, otherwise known as Yoga with Adriene on Youtube, 30 Days of Yoga program. It’s free, and she posts a yoga practice for each day in January to start off the year slowly and intentionally. It was a good way to wake up my body before the work day or stretch on my lunch break. I love that she hosts this every January, bringing light to, literally, the darkest month of the year in Michigan. Throughout the year, I’ve also enjoyed doing yoga with Yoga with Kassandra on Youtube.
During my long weekend trip to Chicago in January, I tried out a couple classes at Pvolve, thanks to the influence of Instagram ads. It was a new experience, but I enjoyed the classes and left more sore than I thought I would be. The two classes I took primarily focused on strength training using Pvolve’s line of equipment. Admittedly, some of the equipment felt awkward and unnatural to use, but it certainly challenged my mind to focus. If Pvolve ever opened a location in the Metro-Detroit area, I’d be keen on trying more classes.
Upon my return from Chicago, I enrolled in Bollywood dance classes through my city’s community center. Think Zumba class but to Bollywood songs. So much fun! As someone who was once a dancer, the choreography was easy to grasp and made me break out in a sweat each time. Taking this class also reminded me how much more fun it can be to do things in groups.
For my main source of workouts for the last 4 years and counting, I’ve been using the Kira Stokes Fit app, and this year, I had the opportunity to sign up for three live workout classes hosted on Zoom in March, September, and November.
Mixed in with all of that, I got my steps in walking the dogs every day, taking pickleball lessons at Bash Pickleball (a new indoor pickleball facility in Warren), and trying out trampoline cardio classes and pilates at Sage House Lagree in Birmingham.
2024 Highlights
Mo’ Money, Mo’ Joy
You know you’re a full blown adult when you’re constantly trying to find ways to save money. This year, I switched phone carriers from Verizon (service I’ve had since I got my first phone at 16 years old) to Visible, a more affordable provider owned by Verizon. Doing so cut my monthly phone bill down from $85 to $20 with no difference in quality of service. This was one of those decisions that made me feel like I was winning at life and beating the system.
Speaking of big wins! Back in 2023, I took out a loan to complete an online certification program for UX Design through a company called CareerFoundry. This year, I paid off that loan a year earlier than planned. Talk about more money back in my pocket. With the exception of my mortgage, I’m happy to say that I am debt free!
For a brief two-month stint, I worked a second job at Mochinut, a boba tea and mochi donut franchise that opened the doors to its second Michigan location in Troy. I quickly realized that working seven days a week was incredibly taxing on my mental health, interfering with my normal sleep schedule, and expanding my waistline. So I quit, but they keep me on their payroll as an emergency employee that they call in as a last resort if someone calls in sick and they can’t find a last minute replacement. That arrangement works out much better because I can mix up my schedule every once in a while and make a bit of extra cash on the side.
Marco Polo
My friend Kaori introduced me to the Marco Polo app which allows users to send video messages to each other as a way to keep in touch. It has turned out to be a great way to connect with her and many other friends in different corners of the world on our own schedules. I like it because we get to keep up with the day-to-day life experiences in real time rather than catching up on Zoom once every few months. It’s a great way to get some “face time” without having to be in the same country or have international phone numbers. If anyone else uses Marco Polo, please let me know and let’s get chatting!
Cousin Reunion
Toby, our Police Department's comfort dog
The year of pink in so many ways
Feeling So Electric
We took the leap and are now first-time owners of two electric vehicles. In October, we took out a lease on the Hyundai Ioniq 5, and in December, Tim leased a Mustang Mach-E. Admittedly, the Ioniq looks like a spaceship on the outside, but it’s so roomy inside. The ride is so smooth and quiet, and I love the cameras for the rearview mirror and side mirrors. Plus, it’s an AWD vehicle which makes it better for driving in winter. As for the Mach-E, we’re still getting to know her and see how she performs.
After 10 years in the family, I said goodbye to my 2014 Ford Fusion. It served me well and gave me zero issues other than the routine maintenance and parts replacement that comes as cars age.
I’m excited for this new era and to not set foot at a gas station for the next 3 years or hopefully ever again. Thanks to free charging stations at work, we’ll see how long we can go without needing a charger installed in the garage.
Family Visits
This year, I was fortunate enough to have family visit me in Michigan for a change. Tim would be the first to tell you how much I moan and groan about how I’m always the one that goes to visit family living out of state, since developing the brand of reputation of being a world traveler, but many of them rarely come visit in Michigan.
My aunt Joanne (my mom’s sister) and cousin/brother from another mother, Mason, came to visit in July. We perused the Ann Arbor Art Fair together until my feet were sore, and they came out to our home to get a house tour, meet the dogs, and we took them out to dinner to our favorite Lebanese restaurant.
My great uncle passed away earlier in the spring at the grand age of 95, and his family hosted his Celebration of Life in September. While the occasion was tinged with sadness, it was fantastic having all the cousins in one place, something that happens maybe once a year, if that. It was nice to be together without the crutches of parents, grandparents, or distant relatives nudging us to mingle and play with these people we barely see or know. It was the first time we all came together where I felt like we were the adults now and it’s our responsibility to carry traditions forward if we so choose.
My great aunt and uncle, Patti and Tim, spent the summer in Iowa and came up for a weekend visit in October. We went out to an early lunch at their favorite restaurant in Ann Arbor and caught up for a bit before they were scheduled to fly back to Florida that coming week.
Graduating from Anti-Depressants
In October, I successfully weened off of anti-depressants without much fanfare. The first week completely off was the most difficult. I experienced a lot of brain fog, fatigue, more irritability than usual, but it leveled out in the following weeks. I’ve come to understand that a lot of things can impact my depression or general sadness levels like the weather, the fact that it gets dark at 5 p.m. and I don’t see the sun at all during the workweek, hormones, lack of sleep, not eating well, imposter syndrome at work, and so much more. But as someone who doesn’t like to solve ailments with pills, it feels good to eliminate anti-depressants from the rotation.
Volunteering at Ferndale Pride
Ducks floating in the river
Volunteering at Ferndale Pride
Being alive, and being human comes with a lot of firsts no matter what stage of life you’re in. Here were mine for 2024:
2024 Writers Conference
Attended my first writer’s conference to learn about the publishing world and what it takes to get published. It was so eye-opening to learn about all the different book genres out there, how many copies sold is considered a success (30K+), and how a book moves from idea to an actual published work. The morning was full of various workshops, and authors who were further along in their journey had the chance to pitch their manuscripts to publishers. It was a great learning experience for sure. I don’t know if I’ll ever get to that stage of getting a book published, but a girl can dream.
Got Skunked?
Our dogs got skunked for the first time ever back in February. This took place first thing in the morning before work, and it required two scrubbings per dog to get rid of the odor. Might’ve been late for work, but it was worth it instead of keeping the dogs in the garage all morning or having them stink up the house while we were gone.
Feeling Foxy
It was my first time seeing a taxidermized fox up close and personal. Let me explain. We had a resident call city offices looking to offload this taxidermized fox she had in her home but could no longer store. She had been calling nature centers across Metro-Detroit trying to find a new home for it only to come up short. What made her think to come drop it off at City Hall, I couldn’t tell you, but she presented us with this fox. It ended up going to a pair of brothers who work in our office and whose last name is Fox and eventually donated to a neighboring city’s nature center. While taxidermy gives me the ick, I will say this fox was immaculately well-kept.
Grow, baby, grow!
It’s not our first time growing stuff in the garden, but we did grow tomato and basil for the first time. Tim generously set up two raised garden beds in our backyard where we planted more strawberries, bell peppers, tomatoes, and basil. We had bountiful produce within weeks, and with food prices on the rise, it was nice to be able to grow our own food. We made some pasta sauce with the tomatoes and basil, ate strawberries right off the vines, and used bell peppers in a stir-fry or two.
Talk to Tim, and he’ll be the first person to tell you that I hate doing therapy. My ego has me believe that I can easily diagnose my problems and tell you what from my past has created/impacted the way I think and behave today, so why would I pay someone else to do that for me? Well, this year, I started doing EMDR (eye movement desensitization and reprocessing) therapy. I felt like I had plateaued with talk therapy and wasn’t making any progress so I needed to try something new. Since switching to EMDR therapy, I’ve started sleeping better, having very vivid dreams, and overall, it seems to take the emotional sting out of past memories.
Joel Kim Booster live at The Blind Pig in Ann Arbor
Results of Sushi Making Class
Last day of Sterlingfest
Just for Laughs (Comedy Shows)
Brett Goldstein (January)
Matteo Lane (February)
Ali Wong (March)
Anna Akana (September)
Dane Cook (October)
Joel Kim Booster (October)
Just for Fun
Sushi Making Class (January)
Skip the Small Talk (April)
Big Bounce House of America (May)
Volunteered with Ferndale Pride (June)
Asian Night Market in Detroit
Girls Lunch Date in Windsor, ON (Sept.)
2024 Lowlights
Thick Skin
Early in the year, my skin issues continued to get worse. I was constantly itchy (think of it as having chickenpox 24/7), I had bumpy red patches up and down my arms and behind my knees. The only band-aid I had for it was a handful of steroid creams from the dermatologist. I was desperate to try anything if it meant I could get this under control for my own sanity and vanity. I started going to acupuncture twice a week from April - August. With the help of acupuncture and a new drug called Dupixent, I was finally able to get it under control. Starting Dupixent in May has been my saving grace, but administering it stings every time no matter how many times I’ve done it. It’s like an epi-pen with a needle and I have to inject it myself every two weeks, but it has been worth it!
What Goes Down Must Come Back Up
Let me preface this by telling you that ya girl has a severe tree nut allergy. So, at this year’s Sterlingfest, my city’s largest music, art, food, and carnival festival, I ordered this red pepper pasta from the vegan food truck. Unbeknownst to me, they used cashews in their pasta sauce to which I immediately got a scratchy throat and threw it all up 20 minutes later and for the following hour. It subsequently sent me home early on day one of three of the festival which I was scheduled to work until it ended around 11 p.m. Instead, I sat on my couch in sorrow that I was missing “Girl Pop Group” night featuring Spice Girls and Taylor Swift cover bands and our first ever drone show.
Coworker's Retirement Party
AR Workshop in Midland with my friend, Carrie
Group dinner at Basan in Detroit
Where’s My Invite?
In my adult life, I’ve worked hard to try and create a solid group of friends, but it’s not the kind that I feel comfortable calling up on any random day just to chat, share vulnerable experiences, or go out to dinner with every week. The disappointment I’ve run up against time and again over the last couple years is always being the one to invite friends over for dinner or various outings and it not being reciprocated. It often feels like maintaining the friendships is all on me, and at the end of the day, it has left me exhausted, unmotivated to continue maintaining said friendships, and embrace my best hermit life. It has also reaffirmed for me that because I didn’t grow up with a tight knit inner circle, it’s never going to happen so stop trying.
Feeling Aimless
Ever since returning from Japan in 2019, I’ve contended with this overarching feeling of being aimless, unsure where to direct my energy and focus. To this day, working as a tour guide in Tokyo was the best opportunity I’ve ever had. It was challenging, it was fast, it was FUN, and it allowed me to use my language skills in a country I was and am deeply connected to. Still, it felt like I peaked. Being back in America, I’ve achieved the “American Dream” of buying my first home, finding a life partner, having fur babies, and still it’s not enough. Or rather, it hasn’t filled my cup like the societal narrative has promised. Now that I have everything I could possibly need or want and I can work towards saving money for future life experiences, I’m even more in the weeds with how to be of service to the world at large, what creative projects I should work on, how I can continue to develop my skills, etc. It has been difficult feeling paralyzed by indecision and living with that day in and day out for the last 5+ years. I hope to find some peace with these feelings in the coming year and see if anything develops with regards to what I should put my focus on.
Oprah mural in Chicago
Beautiful flowers from Tim
The poor mules that got stuck carrying our bags in Morocco
Much to the inspiration and envy of my friend Courtney, who seems to travel to exotic destinations every other month, the travel bug is back and more fierce than ever.
Chicago (January) - Went for a long weekend in the dead of winter to see Brett Goldstein live at The Chicago Theatre and eat a ton of great food.
Morocco (April) - Ventured on an all women’s hiking trip in Morocco that began in Marrakesh and had us hiking through the mountains and valleys of remote villages. This was my first time traveling solo on an organized group trip with complete strangers, my first trip with Intrepid Travel, and the first time traveling solo to a country I knew very little about and not having someone I know on the other side to meet me on the ground. It was exhilarating, it was challenging, and now that I know what to expect, I have a better idea of what I would do different if/when I go back.
Belize (December) - Adventured in Belize for one week, again, with complete strangers, all women, but this time with a company called Explorer Chick whom I secretly hope to lead tours with throughout the U.S. National Parks one day. We spent the week in adventure mode by water rappelling down a waterfall, zip lining, kayaking, snorkeling and so much more. It was easily the best trip of the year and the first trip since my time in Japan that made it hard to come home!
Next year, the only travel plans on the calendar include a long weekend in Kansas City, MO to see Taylor Tomlinson’s latest standup hour and visit with my cousin Megan, a quick trip to Chicago to see Dua Lipa in concert, and I’ll be traveling back to Japan for two weeks towards the end of summer. It will have been 7 years since I’ve been back to Japan which is wild to think about. It still and will always feel like it was just yesterday. I can’t wait to get back and see friends, explore places I used to frequent, see what has and hasn’t changed, get back into the mountains, and explore new parts of the country.
Looking Ahead to 2025
Unlike last year, there aren’t any words that stand out to define how I want to shape and explore the upcoming calendar year. All I know is that I want to get back to doing what feels right by me instead of using the framework others have set for themselves. Put another way, instead of asking others what they would do, asking myself what I would do because, more often than not, I already know what I want to do or should do. It’s just about honoring that and not being afraid to act on it.
In an effort to return to myself, it feels more important than ever to reign in my doom scrolling and make a conscious effort to go offline between the hours of 5 p.m. and 8 a.m. As someone who spends her entire work day on social media, monitoring comments, Facebook groups, etc., this feels like an impossible but critical task. The dial needs to shift more towards creation over consumption, and channeling more of my screen time back into creative outlets would be incredibly healing.
This year, I purchased the Sony a7iii camera which has fueled me to get back into photography. Armed once again with a good camera, I’m ready to delve into that artistic outlet again and take some photos for work, travel and more! On top of that, it would be therapeutic to get back to writing and spending more time in nature.
Big picture, it’s time to slow the fuck down. This is a problem I’ve had since my mom passed in 2014. Just moving too fast in life, moving too fast through to-do lists and treating life like a chore list instead of something to be savored. When I move too fast, I get stressed out easier and my quality of work and quality of life suffers. So, maybe I do have a couple defining words for 2025, after all: patience and slow.
I think we could all benefit from slowing our roll a little bit. Thanks for coming on this trip down memory lane. Wishing you all a slower, more peaceful year ahead.
See you on the other side!